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Special Interest Groups

About SIGs | Members Research Interests | Current SIGs | Forming New SIGs

About Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

A SIG is a sub-group of ISCMR members who share an interest in a research related traditional, complementary or integrative medicine (TCIM) topic, and want to connect and collaborate. All SIGs are open to all ISCMR members. ISCMR Chapters may also have SIGs, specifically for their Chapter's members. 

The specific activities of the SIG are determined by the group in order to meet their group objectives. Here are some potential activity ideas:

  • SIG Discussion Forums on the ISCMR website
  • Journal clubs
  • Research-related working groups
  • Online and in-person discussion meetings
  • Education sessions, presentations, workshops, or webinars
  • Support research interests and/or activities of TCIM practitioners and each other

ISCMR Members' Research Interests

ISCMR members are interested in research that covers a wide range of TCIM modalities, population groups, methodologies and topics

ISCMR Members Interest TCIM Modalities     ISCMR Member     ISCMR Members Interest Research Topics

Looking for ISMCR members who have specific research interests? Log in to search 
Member Directory

To update your own interests, log in, go to User Panel (top right corner) and select My Directory Listing. Click here for how to use Member Directory


Modalities: Unani Medicine, added Feb 2023
Modalities: Siddha Medicine, added Feb 2023

Is there an interest category you would like to see added to this list?
Please contact the ISCMR Secretary:

Current SIGs

Currently there are no active ISCMR SIGs

If you would like to propose one, please see Forming New SIGs below. If you have any questions about creating or setting up a SIG, please contact the ISCMR Secretary:

Forming New SIGs

ISCMR's Position on SIGs

  • ISCMR SIGs are a collaborative space for ISCMR members with a similar interest in a research related TCIM topic.
  • ISCMR expects the SIG members to create inclusive parameters within which the group will be working. These will be clearly stated on the SIG's landing webpage.
  • SIG members may be affiliated with other organizations (outside of ISCMR); however, the SIG must strive to be neutral and inclusive of different perspectives in their work and activities.
  • ISCMR's focus is on research, so the activities of the SIG should be research-specific or research-related.
  • In addition, through these SIGs, ISCMR's primary interest is to support high quality research across the range of professions and modalities relevant to whole person healing and whole systems healthcare, including all traditional, holistic, alternative, complementary and integrative forms of medicine.

How ISCMR and ISCMR Chapters supports SIGs

  • Help the SIG Chair create and maintain webpage(s) dedicated to your SIG
  • Work with the SIG Chair and moderators to create and maintain a SIG Discussion Forum
  • Provide an ISCMR email address for your SIG
  • Assist with developing and organizing the SIG
  • Help with organizing and hosting SIG meetings, events, activities, webinars etc.

Requirements of SIGs

  • All members of an ISCMR SIG must be an ISCMR member. Membership of a Chapter SIG is limited to members of the parent chapter.
  • Any ISCMR member is able to join the ISCMR SIGs. Any Chapter member is able to join their Chapter SIGs.
  • The designated SIG Chair is responsible for communicating with the ISCMR Executive Committee or Chapter executives regarding the SIG.
  • SIGs are encouraged to be involved in some capacity in all local and international ISCMR or Chapter gatherings. This may include organizing a workshop, plenary session or a pre-symposium event or hosting a meet-and-greet, as well as a face-to-face planning meeting for members.
  • A minimum of ten (10) members must petition the ISCMR Executive Committee of Chapter executives to form a SIG, and the SIG must maintain at least ten (10) active members to remain viable.

How to form a SIG

If you are interested in creating a Special Interest Group, then read the following. Members, please log in prior to clicking the links below: 

  • At least 10 (ten) ISCMR members must petition to form a new SIG. Try searching the Member Directory to find members with relevant interests who may want to participate.
  • Details of ISCMR SIG formation and function are specified in ISCMR Bylaws 47 and Appendix E (go to the GOVERNANCE page to download a copy of the Bylaws).
  • Complete and submit the SIG Expression of Interest (EOI) Formfor provisional approval by the ISCMR Executive Committee or Chapter Executive.
  • Within 3-months of provisional approval, submit a Terms of Reference for the SIG (download a copy here: SIG Terms of Reference TEMPLATE) for final approval by the ISCMR Board of Directors or Chapter Executive 

At any time, please contact the ISCMR or your Chapter Secretary to discuss your interest in establishing a SIG and support, such as a recruitment/awareness announcement via ISCMR News.